Does a Female Praying Mantis Always Eat Her Mate's Head? (2024)

Fact Check

It’s far from guaranteed to happen, but the risk of decapitation for copulating male mantids would be considered alarmingly high in human circles.

David Mikkelson

Alex Kasprak

Published Oct. 30, 1999

Does a Female Praying Mantis Always Eat Her Mate's Head? (1)

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Female praying mantises always eat the heads of their mates after copulating.


FalseAbout this rating

One of the the most popular bits of scientific misinformation in circulation is the notion that the female praying mantis always cannibalizes the head of her mate post-coitus. This claim is not without any merit, as female praying mantids often decapitate and ingest the heads of their mates after copulation, phenomenon biologists refer to as "sexual cannibalism":

Sexual cannibalism refers to females killing and consuming their male partner at some stage during courtship and mating. Sexual cannibalism can occur before or during mating, which will determine potential explanations for its occurrence.

Praying mantids are perhaps the most famous example of sexual cannibalism, which is common in insects, spiders, and other arthropods. The assertion that their copulations necessitate this action, however, is false, as the bulk of mantid copulations do not end in decapitation. The prevalence of this phenomenon was discussed in a 2016 study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B:

In praying mantids that exhibit sexual cannibalism, it occurs in 13–28% of natural encounters in the field, thus imparting significant mortality on males during the breeding season.

Unlike some sexually cannibalistic spiders, male mantids can mate repeatedly and potentially fertilize multiple females during their lifetime. Thus, all else being equal, male mantids should be under significant selection to reduce to cost of falling prey to a mate.

Myriad explanations have been offered for the behavior’s occurrence, but many entomologists generally link the practice to be a trade-off between resource scarcity and procreation (though plenty of other explanations have been advanced as well):

Sexual cannibalism necessarily eliminates the possibility of future mating for the male, but this cost might be at least partially ameliorated if he mates successfully with the predatory female and his value as a food item allows this female to produce more offspring. Male sacrifice may evolve if the chance of encountering more than one female in a lifetime is small and the consumption of the male by the female operates as parental investment that increases the female’s reproductive output.

In other words, the benefit to a female may stem from the nutritional support provided by the male, assuming the deadly deed occurs after ejacul*tion. The male, in turn, would have the benefit of ensuring nutritional support for the mother and his genetic progeny in exchange for his head (and life). This mechanism was tested in a 1994 laboratory experiment in which males were introduced to either starved or well fed female mantids, and cannibalism was observed to occur only when males were exposed to the underfed females:

No female fed ad libitum ate any of her mates despite considerable variation in degree and intensity of male courtship [...]. In all but one case starved females ate their mates, again irrespective of the degree and intensity of the male display.

While evolutionary biologists continue to investigate and debate this unsettling behavior, there is a growing consensus that its occurrence in nature may have multiple potentially unrelated causes. Regardless of cause, however, the evidence is clear: male mantids can and often do successfully copulate without having their heads ingested, and therefore the claim that it is a biologically necessary aspect of praying mantid mating is demonstrably false.


Liske, E. and W.J. Davis. "Sexual Behavior of the Chinese Praying Mantis." Animal Behaviour (32:916-917, 1984).

Chapple, Steve. "Bugz: Everyone Has a Scorpion-in-the-Ear Story." Sports Afield. 1 August 1997.

Raver, Anne. "Ants in Your Pants? Nope, They're Dozing Underground." Minneapolis Star Tribune. 7 November 1996.

Teyssier, Jean Claude and Dan Schneider. "The Devil's Riding Horse." Canadian Geographic. 17 July 1997.

Elgar, Mark A., and Jutta M. Schneider. "Evolutionary Significance of Sexual Cannibalism." Advances in the Study of Behavior. 13 December 2004.

Brown, William D. et al. "Sexual Cannibalism Increases Male Material Investment in Offspring: Quantifying Terminal Reproductive Effort in a Praying Mantis." Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 29 June 2016.

Kynaston, Suzanne E. et al. "Courtship, Mating Behaviour and Sexual Cannibalism in the Praying Mantis, Sphodromantis Lineola." Animal Behaviour. March 1994.

Prenter, John et al. "Sexual Cannibalism and Mate Choice." Animal Behaviour. 13 February 2006.

By David Mikkelson

David Mikkelson founded the site now known as back in 1994.

By Alex Kasprak

Alex Kasprak is an investigative journalist and science writer reporting on scientific misinformation, online fraud, and financial crime.

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Does a Female Praying Mantis Always Eat Her Mate's Head? (2024)


Does a Female Praying Mantis Always Eat Her Mate's Head? ›

But they don't always do it.” In fact, of the species that exhibit cannibalism

Cannibalism is the act of consuming another individual of the same species as food. Cannibalism is a common ecological interaction in the animal kingdom and has been recorded in more than 1,500 species. › wiki › Cannibalism
of their mates, studies have shown that the females make a meal out of the males between just 13 and 28 percent of the time. Interestingly, getting eaten may not be as bad as it sounds.

Does a female praying mantis always eat the male? ›

It's not true, as many people think, that female praying mantids always devour their mates. Only a few of the 180 mantid species engage in this shocking practice, and not always under natural conditions.

How many times does a female mantis mate? ›

Praying mantises only live for 6 months to one year, depending on the species, and thus only see one mating period.

Can a praying mantis survive without a head? ›

In experiments, praying mantises have been observed to live for a short time without their heads. Their bodies can still perform basic functions through reflex actions.

Can a male praying mantis survive mating? ›

When they are done, if they survive, the males simply fall off the females or fly away. You'd think that getting partially devoured would be a turnoff for a male mantis, but it's not. About half of the males that are killed while attempting to mate are decapitated, but continue on to finish the job without their heads.

What is the lifespan of a female praying mantis? ›

The female dies about two weeks after laying from 40-100 eggs. Total mantis lifespan is about six months. If you are lucky enough to find a Praying Mantis you could keep one as a pet. Just remember they only eat live prey!

What is the lifespan of a praying mantis? ›

The natural lifespan of a praying mantis is about 10 to 12 months. Praying mantises are able to live this long because they have defense mechanisms that help aid in their survival. Their famous forelegs are very powerful for their size and can crush its prey in half.

What do mantis do after mating? ›

Though males try and escape as soon as the mating is complete for their own safety, a lot of them end up being eaten. Post mating, females lay hundreds of eggs in an egg-case. With the onset of the monsoon, look out for these stealthy ninjas on plants around you. You'll see them until the beginning of winter.

What happens to male mantis after mating? ›

Sexual cannibalism—defined as a female killing and eating her mate during courtship, copulation, or shortly after copulation—probably occurs in a minority of mantids. Considering mantids' potential cannibalistic behavior, why do people worldwide endow these insects with holiness?

Can mantises feel pain? ›

Contrary to the long-held believe that insects don't feel pain, they do.

Will a praying mantis hurt you if you pick it up? ›

Though praying mantises are dangerous to their prey, they represent no danger to humans. Many people who see them wonder, “Do praying mantises bite?” And while they may chomp on a person's hand if they're approached aggressively, their bites are rare and do little damage.

Will a praying mantis let you pick it up? ›

Simply hold your hand out to the mantis.

It should climb right on. Make sure not to pinch it. You could use gloves to pick up the praying mantis.

Why do female praying mantis eat the male? ›

In some species, a female's propensity to consume her mate is unrelated to the male's behavior or outside disturbance. It's simply part of the mating ritual. In all fairness to the eighteen hundred or so species of mantids, cannibalism is far from universal.

What happens after a female praying mantis mates? ›

Praying mantises mostly cannot see stationary objects so males generally freeze if they see females move or turn their heads. Though males try and escape as soon as the mating is complete for their own safety, a lot of them end up being eaten. Post mating, females lay hundreds of eggs in an egg-case.

How long do praying mantis take to mate? ›

They will copulate for hours, with my longest pairing lasting two days. Eventually he will jump away, usually flying off to a safe distance from the female." "The laying process itself can take anywhere from an hour to almost five depending on the size of the ooth," Pfeifer says.

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