How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (2024)

Butterflies are fascinating creatures known for their vibrant colors and delicate wings. One intriguing aspect of their lives is how they consume food.

Adult butterflies primarily feed on various liquids, as they cannot chew solid foods like their caterpillar counterparts.

This liquid diet helps them roam and search for suitable nourishment across a broader territory.

When butterflies feed, they use their long, straw-like proboscis to sip nectar from flowers.

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (1)

This not only provides them with essential nutrients but also plays a crucial role in the pollination of plants.

As they flit from flower to flower, collecting nectar, they inadvertently transfer pollen between plants, aiding in their reproduction.

Butterflies can also consume other liquids, such as water, tree sap, and even rotting fruit juices, to supplement their nutritional needs.

Caterpillars, which are the larval stage of butterflies, have a different diet compared to their adult form.

Typically, they feed on plant leaves, getting all the necessary water and nutrients required for growth.

Interestingly, many butterfly species have adapted to feeding on specific plants, making the selection of their food source crucial for their survival.

How Do Butterflies Eat?

The Role of the Proboscis

Butterflies use a special mouthpart called a proboscis to consume liquids.

Their proboscis works like a flexible straw, allowing them to reach deep inside flowers or other sources of liquid food. Some key features of the proboscis include:

  • Long and coiled when not in use
  • Uncoils to reach nectar or liquid sources
  • Made of two separate parts that combine to form a tube

Feeding on Nectar

Nectar is the primary food source for adult butterflies. They use their proboscis to drink nectar from flowers by inserting it into the flower’s center.

This method benefits both the butterflies and the plants, as the butterflies pollinate flowers while feeding.

For example, monarch butterflies feed on nectar from milkweed flowers, playing a crucial role in their life cycle.

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (2)

Feeding on Plant Juices and Other Liquids

Butterflies can also feed on various liquids other than nectar. Some examples include:

  • Plant juices from damaged plants
  • Tree sap
  • Overripe fruit juices
  • Water from puddles or wet surfaces

This variety in their diet allows them to adapt to various environments and survive when nectar sources are scarce.

Adult butterflies, unlike caterpillars, don’t need to drink water separately, as they acquire the required water from the plants they feed on.

Food TypeExample SourcesBenefits for Butterflies
NectarFlowersPrimary source of energy, supports pollination
Plant JuicesDamaged plantsAlternative food when nectar is scarce
Tree SapTreesProvides essential nutrients
Overripe FruitFallen fruitsEasy access to sugary food source
WaterPuddlesHydration when other water sources are limited

How Did Butterflies Evolve This Type of Feeding?

The feeding habits of butterflies, like many other traits in the animal kingdom, have been shaped over millions of years through the process of evolution.

From Chewing to Sipping

In the early stages of butterfly evolution, the ancestors of modern-day butterflies were likely more similar to moths, which predominantly have chewing mouthparts.

Over time, as flowering plants diversified and became more prevalent, there was a shift in the feeding mechanism.

The evolution of the proboscis, a long, straw-like tube, allowed butterflies to access nectar from these flowers, giving them an advantage in terms of available food sources.

Specialization of Diet

As plants evolved, so did the dietary preferences of butterflies. Some butterfly species became specialists, feeding on specific plants or even parts of plants.

For instance, the Monarch butterfly caterpillars feed exclusively on milkweed.

This specialization often provides both the plant and the butterfly with unique advantages.

In the case of the Monarch, consuming milkweed makes them toxic to potential predators.

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (3)

Co-evolution with Plants

Butterflies and plants have engaged in a co-evolutionary dance.

As certain plants developed defenses against herbivores, such as toxins, some butterflies evolved the ability to tolerate or even utilize these toxins for their own defense.

Additionally, the colors, shapes, and scents of flowers have evolved in part to attract specific pollinators, including butterflies.

Adaptation to Varied Environments

Butterflies can be found in diverse habitats, from tropical rainforests to arid deserts.

Their feeding habits have evolved to suit these environments.

In areas where nectar-rich flowers are scarce, butterflies might feed more on tree sap, rotting fruits, or even animal excretions to obtain necessary nutrients.

Evolution of Sensory Organs

To locate their preferred food sources, butterflies have developed keen sensory organs.

Their compound eyes can detect a wide spectrum of colors, including ultraviolet, which helps them locate flowers.

The evolution of specialized chemoreceptors on their feet and antennae allows them to “taste” and “smell” their environment, aiding in the search for food and suitable oviposition sites.

Mimicry and Camouflage

The evolutionary arms race between butterflies and their predators has led to the development of various feeding-related adaptations.

Some butterflies have evolved wing patterns that mimic more toxic species, deterring predators.

Others have developed camouflage that allows them to blend in while feeding, making them less noticeable to potential threats.

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (4)

Migration and Feeding

Some butterfly species, like the Monarch, have evolved migratory behaviors in response to seasonal changes in food availability.

These migrations require a lot of energy, and as a result, these butterflies have developed efficient ways to feed and store energy for their long journeys.

The feeding habits of butterflies are a testament to the power of evolution.

Over millions of years, these insects have adapted and diversified in response to changes in their environment, the plants they rely on, and the predators they evade.

Their feeding behaviors provide a window into the intricate and dynamic relationships that have shaped the natural world.

Diverse Diets of Butterflies

The Importance of Minerals and Salts

Butterflies require various minerals and salts for their survival. They often consume these nutrients from unconventional sources like:

  • Mud puddles
  • Sweat
  • Dung
  • Carrion

This behavior, known as puddling, helps them obtain essential nutrients in their natural habitat.

Fruits and Rotten Food

Apart from flower nectar, some butterflies also feed on fruit juices and rotten food as part of their diet. Examples of such widely consumed fruits include:

  • Bananas
  • Pears
  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Watermelons

These foods provide necessary protein and sugars needed during their metamorphosis and migration.

Specialized Diets: Monarch Butterflies

Monarch butterflies have a unique dietary requirement, with their larva depending solely on milkweed plants for food. As a comparison:

Monarch CaterpillarsOther Caterpillars
Need milkweedCan consume various foliage
Toxic to predatorsNot always toxic

This dependency on milkweed serves as their defense mechanism, making them toxic to predators.

Butterfly Attraction

Plants That Attract Butterflies

Butterflies are attracted to a variety of plants for their nectar. Examples of flowers that attract butterflies include:

  • Native plants: These plants are indigenous to the area and provide a natural habitat for pollinators.
  • Flowers: Brightly colored flowers, especially those in shades of orange, are particularly appealing to butterflies.
  • Fruits: Some butterflies are also drawn to fruits such as bananas, pears, and oranges.
How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (5)

Examples of native plants that attract butterflies are adult nectar plants and caterpillar host plants. It’s a great idea to plant extra vegetables for both the gardener and their caterpillars.

Providing Minerals and Water Sources

In addition to nectar, butterflies also require minerals and water to thrive. Providing water sources and minerals will make a garden more attractive to these pollinators. Insects can obtain essential minerals through various methods, such as:

  • Puddling: Butterflies often gather on wet surfaces to extract minerals from the soil and water.
  • Fruity offerings: Place overripe fruit, like bananas or oranges, in the garden for butterflies to feed on and gain essential minerals.

Keep the following bullet points in mind when ensuring a butterfly-friendly environment:

  • Include a variety of nectar-rich plants and flowers
  • Provide water sources and minerals, such as puddles and overripe fruits
  • Create an environment that shelters butterflies from harsh winds and predators

By incorporating these features into a garden, it becomes a perfect haven for butterflies and other pollinators to thrive in.

The Role of Sensory Perception in Butterfly Feeding

Butterflies are equipped with a range of sensory organs that play a crucial role in locating and accessing food sources.

Understanding how they use their senses to feed provides insights into their intricate relationship with the environment and the plants they interact with.


Ultraviolet (UV) Vision: One of the most fascinating aspects of butterfly vision is their ability to see ultraviolet light. While this spectrum is invisible to the human eye, it’s a game-changer for butterflies.

Many flowers have patterns, called nectar guides, that are visible only in the UV spectrum. These patterns guide butterflies (and other pollinators) to the nectar-rich parts of the flower, ensuring efficient feeding and effective pollination.

Color Perception: Butterflies have compound eyes made up of thousands of individual lenses. These eyes can detect a wide range of colors, allowing them to locate flowers based on their color patterns.

Brightly colored flowers, especially those in shades of red, orange, and purple, are particularly attractive to many butterfly species.

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (6)

Olfaction (Smell)

Antennae: The primary olfactory organs in butterflies are their antennae. Covered in thousands of sensory hairs, the antennae can detect a wide range of chemical cues.

Butterflies use these cues to locate flowers based on their scent, even from a distance. This ability is especially crucial in dense habitats where visual cues might be obscured.

Chemoreceptors: Apart from the antennae, butterflies have chemoreceptors on their feet. When they land on potential food sources, these receptors “taste” the surface, helping the butterfly determine if it’s a suitable place to feed or lay eggs.

Tactile Perception

Legs and Proboscis: While not directly related to locating food, the tactile senses in a butterfly’s legs and proboscis play a role in feeding.

Once they land on a flower, the sensory hairs on their legs help them navigate the flower’s structure.

The proboscis, being sensitive, can detect the depth and quality of nectar, ensuring efficient feeding.

Thermal Perception

Wing Thermoreceptors: Some butterfly species have thermoreceptors on their wings. These receptors detect temperature changes, which can influence feeding behavior.

On cooler days, butterflies might prioritize sunlit flowers, which are warmer and more comfortable for feeding.

Spatial and Temporal Patterns

Butterflies, through a combination of their senses, can recognize spatial and temporal patterns in their environment.

For instance, they might remember the locations of particularly nectar-rich flowers and return to them at specific times of the day when nectar production is at its peak.

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (7)

Protecting Butterfly Populations

The Impact of Pesticides

Pesticides can be harmful to butterfly populations, including monarchs. They may impact their growth, development, and reproduction.

  • Common pesticides affecting butterflies:
    • Neonicotinoids
    • Organophosphates
    • Carbamates
    • Pyrethroids

Consider using native plants and natural pest control methods to minimize impacts on butterfly populations.

Butterfly Gardens and Habitats

Creating a butterfly-friendly habitat or garden can help support their survival.

  • Key elements for a butterfly haven:
    • Food sources: nectar-producing flowers and host plants
    • Shelter: vegetation and structures to provide protection
    • Water: shallow dishes or birdbaths

Beneficial plants for butterflies:

MilkweedEssential for monarch butterflies, serves as host plant and food source
Native flowersAttracts butterflies, provides nectar
Tall grassesOffers shelter and camouflage

By incorporating these features, your garden becomes a refuge for butterflies, allowing them to thrive and reproduce.

Comparison with Moths: Diverse Feeding Habits within Lepidoptera

Butterflies and moths, both members of the Lepidoptera order, share many similarities due to their close evolutionary relationship.

However, when it comes to feeding habits, these two groups exhibit distinct differences shaped by their unique ecological niches and evolutionary pressures.

A comparison of their feeding habits offers a comprehensive understanding of the diverse strategies within the Lepidoptera order.

1. Feeding Times:

  • Butterflies: Most butterfly species are diurnal, meaning they are active during the day. Their feeding habits are closely tied to daylight hours, with many species feeding on nectar from flowers that bloom in daylight.
  • Moths: Moths, on the other hand, are primarily nocturnal, active during the night. They have evolved to feed on flowers that bloom at night and release strong scents to attract these nighttime pollinators.

2. Sensory Adaptations:

  • Butterflies: As discussed earlier, butterflies rely heavily on their vision, especially their ability to see UV patterns on flowers, to locate nectar sources during the day.
  • Moths: Given their nocturnal nature, moths rely more on their olfactory senses. Their antennae are often more feathery and larger relative to their body size, enhancing their ability to detect floral scents in the dark.

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (8)

3. Proboscis Structure:

  • Butterflies: The proboscis of butterflies is typically long and coiled, allowing them to access nectar from a variety of flowers.
  • Moths: Many moths also have a long proboscis, but some species, especially those that do not feed as adults, might lack a functional proboscis altogether. Some moths, like the hawk moth, have an exceptionally long proboscis, enabling them to feed on flowers with deep nectar wells.

4. Dietary Range:

  • Butterflies: While nectar is the primary food source for most adult butterflies, they can also consume other liquids such as tree sap, rotting fruit juices, and even mineral-rich puddles.
  • Moths: Moths exhibit a broader range of feeding habits. While many feed on nectar, others might be attracted to sap flows, rotting fruits, or even the tears of larger animals. Some adult moths do not feed at all, relying entirely on the energy reserves they accumulated as caterpillars.

5. Larval Feeding Habits:

  • Butterflies: Butterfly caterpillars typically have specific host plants they feed on. For instance, monarch caterpillars feed exclusively on milkweed.
  • Moths: Moth caterpillars exhibit a wide range of feeding habits. Some are specialists, feeding on specific plants, while others are generalists. Certain moth caterpillars are even known to have carnivorous habits, preying on other insects.

6. Evolutionary Implications:

The distinct feeding habits of butterflies and moths have significant evolutionary implications.

For instance, the flowers that rely on moths for pollination have evolved to bloom at night and produce strong, sweet scents. In contrast, flowers pollinated by butterflies often display bright colors and UV patterns.


In unraveling the mysteries of butterfly feeding habits, we’ve explored their unique adaptations, from the specialized proboscis to their reliance on sensory perception for locating food.

While butterflies primarily feed on nectar, they also derive nutrients from diverse sources like overripe fruits and mud puddles. A comparison with their nocturnal counterparts, moths, highlights the vast diversity within the Lepidoptera order.

Understanding these intricate feeding behaviors not only deepens our appreciation for these creatures but also underscores the importance of conserving their habitats.

Reader Emails

Over the years, our website, has received hundreds of letters and some interesting images asking us about butterflies. Scroll down to have a look at some of them.

Letter 1 – Deformed Butterfly, we believe

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (9)Any idea what this is
Location: Deerfield Beach, FL
December 1. 2-12
Taken in Deerfield Beach, fl Nov 2012.

Dear FXS,
This appears to be a Butterfly based on the clubbed antennae. It also appears that there was some problem during metamorphosis that caused its wings to fail to expand and harden. The hindwings also appear to be lacking in scales. This is a most perplexing photo. Perhaps one of our readers will be able to assist in the identification.

Letter 2 – Eastern Common: Summer and Fall Forms

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (11)Comma or question
Location: Western Kentucky
August 7, 2010 5:32 pm
Again I am having trouble with the book I have. The illistrated book does not show the underside of the wings. The illistrations also do not show the markings on the top of the wings like the ones I am seeing. I have several photos of this type of butterfly.

One has a lot less brown on the lower wings. The first one I saw (with almost all orange wings with brown spots) I thought was an eastern comma. After looking on your site, I am thinking now that my butterflies are actually the question mark.

Is there anyway to know for sure? (Especially if you don’t happen to see the underside of the wing?) I am going to attach both types. The more orange first then the more recent one that I did get the underside picture of.

Can you help me positively identify this one? The first one was last year in October in Southern Illinois, and the other was July this year in Western Kentucky
Janet Fox

Hi Janet,
Commas and Question Marks can be very difficult to distinguish from one another, and the matter is further complicated by the fact that there are multiple species of Commas. The orange and dark forms are seasonal variations that are typical for both the Question Mark and the Eastern Comma.

The fall form is more orange and the summer form has the much darker underwings. We believe both of your butterflies are Eastern Commas. The Question Mark is a larger species, and according to author Jeffrey Glassberg in his book Butterflies Through Binoculars The West, the Question Mark “is the only anglewing with a small black horizontal bar on the subapical FW above.”

His book nicely illustrates this, and he does have a book for the Eastern states as well. Neither of your specimens has this small black horizontal bar.

Letter 3 – Gemmed Satyr

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (15)Gemmed Satyr
I was able to ID my attached Gemmed Satyr butterfly from my books. However, searching the site, I noticed you do not have any. I generally see Carolina Satyrs here, in Mobile, Alabama, but this was my first Gemmed Satyr.
Robert Zimlich

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (16)

Hi Robert,
Thanks so much for sending us your Gemmed Satyr, Cyllopsis gemma, photo. We always love getting new species for our site.

Letter 4 – Golden Headed Scallopwing

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (17)2 great iPhotos
RLPHello Bugman/ Buglady:
I am new into this hobby as I got my 1st digital camera (Nikon Coolpix s4) on my 71st birthday and am having a ball getting much closer looks at the Critters around me. I am finding more sources each week on the internet : WTB; BugGuide.Net; and some University collections.

Bob Patterson’s from Maryland helped last night. Some of the species I’ve had little problem with, but boy there are lots that are very difficult to identify. I am trying to build a photo collection of wild critters of this area & hope to eventually place the info onto a website through the local Skull Valley Historical Society.

I am not familiar with your guidelines for submittal. Please let me know how to make these communications more effective. I am including the “comment” section and title for each photo. I’ll start with these two immages of what I think are Golden-headed Scallopwing taken on 9/12/06 @ 12:22PM. (Title info didn’t transfer with the immage!)

We are @ 4250 elevation in a Valley with good water: Freemont Cottonwoods, mesquite, Hackberry,desert willow, Screwbean, Four- winged saltbush, Rhus Trilobata, catclaw;scrub oat (Q. turbanilla) and the hills have pinion pine & Juniper . Martin Mountain & Bradshaw> Mountains range up to 6200 & 7200 feet. There are some Ponderosa Pine at the higher elevations.

Man the Dusky wings are a challenge: Juvenals or Funereal…? I spotted these two “Lovebugs” with golden heads & thought they would be a good place to start. Golden-headed Scallopwing (Staphylus ceos) pair copulating, on Raspberry plant. Peavine Ranch, Skull Valey, AZ Thanks for your help.
Bob Pearson

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (18)

Hi Bob,
You submitted this perfectly, with a nice detailed letter, a vivid description, and it is wonderful that you provided your own identification. We also like getting only one species per letter.

Letter 5 – Heliconians Mating: Banded Oranges

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (19)Bug Love
Hey bugman! Long time reader, first time contributor here. I just recently became obsessed with entymology and now carry my camera with me everywhere hoping for a photo op.

While I was in the butterfly garden at Boston Science Museum today, I found these two beautiful specimen going about their private business. Thought you might like it for the bug love page. Thanks for your time and keep up the good work! p.s. Sorry my camera is so bad, trying to get a better one for future endeavors.

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (20)

Hi Jeff,
We hare so happy to hear you have been enjoying our site for a long time. We cannot give you an exact species name on these tropical Heliconians, just the Subfamily Heliconiinae.

(09/03/2005) I’ve spent the past two summers volunteering at the Hershey Butterfly House. The two orange, mating heliconians are Banded Oranges and they are native to Texas. ~Abby

Letter 6 – Isabella’s Heliconian

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (21)Butterflie
What is? Thank you.

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (22)

Hi Alessio,
This is Isabella’s Heliconian, Eueides isabella.

Letter 7 – Julia Butterflies Mating

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (23)Caterpillar ID
I live in South Florida.
I’ve been ‘searching and squishing’ Tomato Hornworm caterpillars on my tomato plants for over a month now. (Resisting temptation to use poisons). I’m sending you a quite nice photo I took of one before the squish, in case you want it for your site.

Today I found a large, superficially similar caterpillar on my fig tree. I know it’s not the same. But what is it? I’m including two photos of the ‘fig caterpillar’. I suspect it’s a butterfly. I’ve included a photo of a pair of one species I found mating there, and two of another butterfly that spent a lot of time in the tree.

The lone butterfly is a species I’d never even seen before. The tree can well spare a few leaves, and there’s only one of these caterpillars as far as I can tell, so I’ve left it alone. I’m curious to know what it is and if you can identify the butterflies as well, that would be lovely.
Marian Mendez

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (24)

Hi Marian,
We are very excited to receive your letter and your wonderful photographs.Your mating butterflies are Julias, Dryas iulia. They are common in Florida. The host plant for caterpillars is the Passion Flower Vine. We will also be including this image in our new Love Among Bugs page. Also check out Marion’s Caterpillars.

Thanks! Yes, you may put my photos on your site wherever you decide they fit. I’ve got a whole series I took of that mating pair of heliconias (I’m glad to know their name!) including a couple of ‘face close-ups’ that turned out very pretty.

If you think you would like to see them, I’ll reduce the best ones down to a reasonable emailing size & send them to you. Hmm…I’ve got numerous photos of ladybugs mating. Ladybugs were *all* over the place this year and in an incredible variety of colors and patterns, ranging from M&M tan to black with red spots, to one fairly ‘normal’ one who spots were heart-shaped.

I intend some day to put up a page on my little website just to show their variety, but I wouldn’t mind if you had the use of them too, if you want them. I’ve a few pictures of other types of caterpillars & butterflies (all my photos have been taken in my yard in So. Florida this year & I doubt there are any rarities).

If you think you might like them, I’ll sort through for the clearest ones of each species. I have some nice photos of dung beetles here. If you could use any of these, you’re welcome to have them. (It’s quite possible I misidentified their sex & species – I didn’t think it mattered much on my site that’s mainly seen by friends & family.)
Love, Marian

Letter 8 – Large Marble Update

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (25)Dorsal view, Large Marble
Hi again Bugman.
I do have a dorsal view of a Large Marble taken further south. Sorry, I didn’t think to include it.

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (26)

Large Marble
(04/24/2008) Large Marble
Hi Lisa Anne and Daniel.
I was surprised to find this Large Marble near Casper, WY so early. Hope it will be OK as we are expecting 3″-10″ of snow tonight. Peace, Love and Jerry Garcia,

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (27)

Hi Dwaine,
Thanks for your lovely photo of a Large Marble, or Creamy Marblewing, Euchloe ausonides. We rotated the image so as to post it larger. We believe it will find some shelter from this spring snow as the species also survives in Alaska. We located an Alaskan Website with a nice image of the open wings of a Large Marble.

Letter 9 – Large Orange Yellow

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (28)What kind of butterfly?
I photographed this guy feeding on a Turks cap flower. The close-up shows something on its head like a metal ring. Could it be a tracking device or part of one. I live just south of Melbourne, Fl. thanks,

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (29)

Hi Mike,
Your butterfly is a Large Orange Yellow, Phoebis agarithe. According to BugGuide, it can be found year round in South Florida. We don’t see anything unusual on the head.

Letter 10 – Melissa Blue Butterfly

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (30)Melissa Blue b’fly
Hi Lisa Anne and Daniel,
I’ve been seeing Melissa Blue b’flies all Spring and Summer around Casper, WY but they never EVER sit with their wings open…until this one did. Worth the wait, I’d say.

How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (31)How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (32)

Hi Dwaine,
How wonderful for us that you had a cooperative Melissa Blue, Plebejus melissa, to model for you.

  • How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (33)


    Bugman aka Daniel Marlos has been identifying bugs since 1999. is his passion project and it has helped millions of readers identify the bug that has been bugging them for over two decades. You can reach out to him through our Contact Page.

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    Piyushi Dhir

    Piyushi is a nature lover, blogger and traveler at heart. She lives in beautiful Canada with her family. Piyushi is an animal lover and loves to write about all creatures.

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How Do Butterflies Eat? Unraveling the Mysteries of Their Feeding Habits (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.