Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (2024)

Feelings Begin

Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (1)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (2)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (3)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (4)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (5)

On July 1, 2021, Spencer breaks into the Jerome Gallery while wearing a mask. Nikolas has an alert that tells him about the break-in. Trina later runs into Nikolas in the gallery and pepper sprays him in the face. She apologizes once she realizes it is him and comments that she used all of the spray on him.

Later Spencer creeps around the gallery and Trina runs into him. She tries to spray him but the pepper spray is empty. She throws a remote at his head and sets off Spencer's trap.

On July 5, Spencer goes to Trina's graduation party at The Savoy, entering the back way and scaring Trina. They talk and flirt, with Spencer complimenting her, calling her "badass" and claiming his name is Victor and that he's a barback at the nightclub. When he is alone, Spencer looks at a picture of Laura, Nikolas, and himself. He calls Nikolas "father" which confirms Spencer's identity.

Later Trina runs into Spencer who is wearing only shorts and sunbathing on Pier 54. She was looking for a place to watch the fireworks. He assumes she was searching for him and suggests they wear their birthday suits. Trina offers to take him to the park instead.

At the park, Trina says she can introduce "Victor" to Cameron and Josslyn. Spencer says he is thirsty and goes to grab some bottled waters. He never shows up and Cameron tells Trina she may not want to be friends with someone who is playing games. Trina leaves to watch the fireworks with her mom as Spencer spies on her from the bushes.

In April 2022, during a heated confrontation at the gallery, Spencer daydreams about telling Trina he believes in her innocence and that his ex-girlfriend Esme is guilty, and that he has a plan to catch Esme. He further daydreams telling Trina that he's falling in love with her and nearly kissing her, before Trina interrupts his reverie.

On September 5, after the charges against Trina are rightfully dropped, a party is thrown celebrating her freedom at The Savoy. Spencer goes old school, writing a love letter to Trina, explaining his behavior and his feelings for her. At the party, the duo have several moments laden with tension, including Trina declaring they can no longer be friends due to their tumultuous relationship, and in an act of chivalry, Spencer taking back his letter, in the belief that he's letting her go to be happy.

On October 7, while away in New York City for a convention with her boyfriend, Rory, she is taken aback to find herself fantasizing about being with Spencer, during a romantic moment with Rory.

On December 12, Trina admitted to Ava and Spencer admitted to Nikolas, that they had feelings for each other, but both thought they didn't have a chance.

After her boyfriend Rory's death by The Hook, Trina blames herself as the killer is after people associated with her, and Spencer blames himself as he believes The Hook to be Esme, and he brought her to PC. On Christmas Eve, Spencer and Trina agree to pretend to be dating to draw Esme out and bring her to justice.

Making Them Official

Spencer later apologizes to Trina about not showing up and gives her a water bottle. They talk about art and he says he lives in a studio in an expensive part of town. He tells her his mother died and he has been in Europe. Portia shows up and Spencer turns down an offer to have dinner with the Robinsons. Later Spencer goes to Mike Corbin's grave.

Spencer and Trina are openly affectionate and falling for each other at his party on Spoon Island. The rug is pulled out from under Trina, when Spencer's previously unknown girlfriend, Esme Prince, shows up. Neither realize at this time that Esme is a manipulative psychopath, the daughter of Ryan Chamberlain and Heather Webber, will try to ruin the lives of his friends and family, and will eventually become the mother to his newborn half-brother.

Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (6)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (7)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (8)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (9)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (10)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (11)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (12)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (13)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (14)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (15)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (16)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (17)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (18)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (19)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (20)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (21)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (22)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (23)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (24)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (25)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (26)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (27)

On February 20 2023, (14th on-screen), Spencer and Trina were giddy to attend her mother and Curtis' wedding as a date. During the reception, Trina discovered her mother was keeping a huge truth from her - she doesn't know if Trina's father is Curtis Ashford or Marcus Taggert. Dismayed and upset, Taggert comforts her, stating she will always be his daughter. Spencer, waiting on the side, learns about Esme's escape from prison. He rushes to Trina, who leaves with him, and they go to the still-closed Jerome Gallery. She feels safest and happiest there, and they discuss lies and disappointing parents. Spencer pours out his heart, telling her everything he sees in her. Moved by his words, Trina kisses him - and after a beat, they kiss again more fully.

After the birth of Spencer's brother, Ace Prince-Cassadine, Trina is shocked to discover his mother Esme is also living at the Collins Penthouse. Spencer reassures her that raising Ace with Esme is the last thing he wants - they lean in to kiss but Esme interrupts them. Later that day, Spencer arrives at the Robinson-Ashford Beach House to escort Trina to Cameron's farewell party. Trina's step-grandfather, Marshall Ashford, talks with Spencer to make sure Trina's faith in him is justified. He and Trina kiss again, which Marshall interrupts, then they leave for the party.

They meet up at The Nurses' Ball, taking red carpet pictures together, after which they have a serious discussion about their relationship. After Spencer admits he should have personally escorted her to the ball, they agree they are "together", officially becoming a couple.

In early April, as part of his unknown scheme to "save" the world and unite his family, Victor Cassadine kidnaps former flame Liesl Obrecht, and his two great-great nephews Spencer, and Ace. He holds them hostage on the Star, which takes off for destinations unknown. Trina stowed away on the ship, made herself known to Liesl and Spencer, and was able to do minor sabotage to the Star, including contacting her mother, Laura, and Curtis. When she is found, Victor at first wants her thrown overboard. Spencer fights for her and attempts to bargain. Liesl saves them by convincing Victor she could use them as guinea pigs for her vaccine.

Later, after Liesl refuses to use the young and innocent Spencer and Trina as test subjects, Victor sends them back to the Star, as he has just captured his own son, Valentin, for Liesl to use. Trina is taken back to her stateroom, and Spencer tries to reason with his captors who are about to beat him, asking "...hasn't there ever been anyone you would do anything to protect!?" That doesn't stop them - Curtis showing up and playing the part of another no-name-faceless goon stops them temporarily. Spencer gives him subtle instructions to Trina's room and distracts the other guards with name-calling when they become suspicious of Curtis. He witnesses the devotion that Spencer and Trina now have for each other, "...boy you two!"

Trina finds Spencer beaten unconscious by the guards. She pleads for him to wake up as Curtis takes on the guards. Tina refuses to leave Spencer after they coast is clear, and he finally regains consciousness. They re-claim Ace from Nanny Jane. Curtis informs them of the seaplane waiting for them, and that he arrived with a team - Laura, Valentin, and Drew - they comment that with Laura here, they almost feel sorry for Victor. Trina finds the satellite phone and Spencer promises Curtis he will do everything possible to protect Trina. Curtis leaves to join the team, and they bundle themselves and Ace. Trina goes to get more blankets for Ace, and returns in time to knock-out Nanny Jane. Per the plan, they call Jordan Ashford on the sat phone, who tells them about the WSB drone bombs on their way and gives them the same orders to get to the seaplane. They agree they don't want to leave Laura or Curtis - they agree that whatever they do, it's together - only because Robert and Felicia promise they will get through to the rescue team and tell them about the bombs.

The couple and Ace were making their way to the seaplane, when they see Victor running to the Star with the antigen. Spencer is adamant he cannot let his uncle free with a pathogen to kill half the planet. Trina takes Ace, they share a kiss, and promising to make it back to her, Spencer takes off after his great-great uncle, intending to stop him. Holding Ace, Trina finds Laura and Curtis, who inform her they got a hold of the WSB, who redirected the drone strike from the island to the Star - and panicked, she reveals Spencer followed Victor onto the Star to stop him, horrifying his grandmother Laura. Victor is shocked to find Spencer onboard, who promises to stop him - managing to knock him unconscious - unfortunately, the drones reach Greenland airspace, and Laura, Curtis, and Trina watch in horror as they hit their target, destroying the Haunted Star and presumably killing everyone onboard.

The next day, Trina cares for Ace and is updated by Valentin on the search. Victor's body is found and Trina is relieved. She tells Valentin she would know it if Spencer were dead, and refuses to leave without him; after he brings up that Ace needs to be back home, her family is waiting for her, and there is nothing further they can do. She is comforted by Laura and begrudgingly walks back to the seaplane - when the group is shocked to see Spencer alive and coming back to them. She cries out for him, runs and leaps into his arms, and they kiss passionately.

Finally home, Trina makes the decision to have a paternity test, wanting to know who her biological father is once and for all. She asks for her dads blessing, who gives it and they reiterate they will always be father and daughter. Spencer stands by her, supporting and encouraging her, letting her take the lead, even as her mom schemes to keep them apart.

They go to Volonino's Gym later to cool off, and here Spencer ends up in a physical altercation with Dex in the steam room. Trina brings him down, reminding him to be his better self so both couples can get along. He believes he will never like nor trust Dex, but does understand - and Trina agrees - that the heart wants what it wants.

On June 1, the Metro Court Pool where Spencer and Trina and hang out and swim. Spencer and Dex call a truce and train together.

Meanwhile, Spencer got back the two turtle doves his other great-great uncle Cyrus Renault made for him and his Trina, and a key to a safety deposit box. When Trina learns about the box the next day, she helps push Spencer past his concerns over what he might find, and convinces him to find out. At the bank, they open the box, and discover several pieces of evidence of Esme's known (but unprovable) guilt in her revenge p*rn against Cameron and Josslyn, drugging of Trina and Oz Haggerty, and framing Trina for the entire scheme.

On June 15, The Ashford family celebrates Curtis' 50th birthday, now with Trina as his daughter. Curtis received a handmade frame from Trina, for missing out on her childhood, and an art print of the famous Harlem Savoy, after which his club is named - from Spencer, in an attempt to ingratiate himself with her family.

On June 29, while hanging out at The Highsider Dex and Spencer get in a fight while with Josslyn and Trina to find more evidence about Oz. Joss and Dex leave, and Trina blasts Spencer for his actions, wondering if their time in Greenland meant anything.

On July 7, Spencer's detective cousin Dante Falconeri spots a sniper from a window while at the pool, presumably aiming at either Dante's father Sonny Corinthos or Anna Devane, present and standing next to each other. Curtis is hit by a ricocheted bullet and taken to GH. Trina rushes to her family at GH, while Josslyn finds Spencer at a parenting class with Esme, who looks entirely too chummy with him. Spencer in turn rushes to Trina's side while Josslyn confronts Esme.

On July 20, the day everyone learns Curtis may be permanently paralyzed, Trina's mom, Portia ends up questioning Spencer on whether he is good for her daughter. Trina doesn't hear any of this, but does witness Spencer hanging up on Esme when she calls him. He and Trina agree that they deserve a break.

On July 28, Spencer and Trina admit they've been staying away from each other, for Portia's sake. When Trina realizes they might need to step away from their relationship, she also admits to him that he gives her strength and she needs him, which touches him. They kiss, possibly in silent agreement to secretly keep seeing each other.

On August 16, Trina and Ava meetup, where Trina admits she turned down further internship opportunities at The Chuck and asks for her job back at the Jerome Gallery. Ava happily complies welcoming her back - and Spencer, with Ace in the pool, calls for his girlfriend to join them. She does, and they enjoy time with Ace, not knowing that Esme showed up, intent to win Spencer back. When Trina confides she still worries about her mom, he is supportive and convinces her to be with her mom. They kiss and she leaves, and Esme interrupts, taking off her coverup to entice him, making Spencer is uncomfortable.

On August 23/24, at the gallery, Ava asks Trina how her summer is going, and how Spencer is doing. Trina suggests asking Esme - she doesn't blame Spencer, she knows he can't take his eyes off Esme. Spencer arrives and hears Trina say she knows Spencer is doing this for his little brother. Spencer then enters and Ava heads out to give them privacy. After they kiss, they open up to one another, with Trina admitting she doesn't know how to support her mom right now, and he says her mom has to fight this on her own, that Curtis will get the best care. They agree that its best to stand by family. Trina asks if when Laura and Kevin get back, he'll still live there with Esme. He admits to Trina he hasn't thought that far ahead, that taking care of the baby takes up a lot of his time, that wishes he could give her a simple or straightforward answer.

Trina points out that's the problem, there is no simple or straightforward answer. Spencer explains he felt like he was abandoned by his father, and doesn't want that for his brother, then his father abandoned him and Ace. He wishes he knew where he was, and part of him wants to believe he was forced out of Port Charles. Trina says Victor could have done something to him, but Spencer knows he left them, just like when he faked his death before. Trina reminds Spencer that she's heard happy stories from him about his dad, so she knows he cares about him. He admits he does love his father, and thanks her for making him see reason. Trina is hopeful they will know more when Laura and Kevin return. They are about to hang more artwork, be he bows out when he gets a text from Esme about dinner with Ace, and Portia arrives with take-out for Trina.

On September 11, Trina is furious that Esme was about to intrude on their dinner date at the Collins Penthouse and worries about the blurred boundaries between him and Esme. Spencer knows the old Esme is still in there somewhere, and while he admits that living with her hasn't been that bad, he has no feelings for her. Wanting to prove that Trina is the only one he wants, Spencer gives her the box of turtle doves. He explains that Cyrus gave them to him when he was in Pentonville to give to her. He explains he didn't think she'd want them at the time he got out, so Victor kept them and left them to him in his will. He says they remind him of how much he missed her last Christmas, but realizes she might not want something from his villainous Uncles Cyrus and Victor. She does, but she wants to keep half the gift. There are two doves, one for each of them, to remind them they are a matched pair and belong together.

On September 14, Trina is working at the gallery, listening to music on her earpods. Spencer arrives, calls her name, and she falls off the step stool but he catches her. She finds it romantic and they echo they are always there to catch each other. He questions why she's not at The Chuck and she shares that it's about being a part of a process and personal growth. Trina brings up that they haven't gotten much alone time together. Spencer says that's why he's here, as he thinks he has a solution.

He wants to take her to New York City, see a show, and then go to Turks and Caicos. She turns him down as she needs to be here to help her mom and Curtis, since things are still awkward. School is right around the corner, and she values her education - he has trouble understanding that, coming from money. She admits she still wants to go to New York, just not the islands during hurricane season. Spencer excitedly hugs her - he can't wait to show her his favorite pizza place near Central Park. They are ready to have uninterrupted time together, and kiss. He says he'll go make some calls and will talk to her later. He leaves, and she looks at her turtle dove. Later, she shows up at the PCU dorms, as she and Josslyn are moving back in. They talk about Josslyn's first time, that Trina is ready and constantly thinking about it, and she and Josslyn squeal over Spencer and Trina going away for a romantic weekend.

On September 22, Spencer interrupts Trina in her dorm writing an essay, he thinks it's time for a break and a little bit of fun. She stops him as they kiss, as she wants to finish the essay before they leave, or she'll dwell on it all weekend. Spencer reveals he has a fantastic weekend planned: tickets for the Broadway musical Moulin Rouge and reservations at the extremely popular and always booked Essence. Trina is over the moon, so Spencer suggests they get her packed and leave early. When she protests about finishing her essay, he correctly guesses it's done and just needs proofing. They share a passionate kiss, and she playfully pushes him out the door so she finish her essay.

On Friday the 29th, Spencer and Trina arrive in New York City. Spencer returns from his errands, telling Trina that everything is running on schedule, but it's a surprise. They discuss what she wants to do and she mentions all the museums. Room service arrives with champagne, caviar, fruit, and charcuterie. Spencer toasts to the woman he loves, and she toasts to the two of them. They ready for dinner, Spencer in a blue suit, and Trina in a beautiful fuchsia dress. He declares her beautiful and presents her with a necklace as a gift to remember this weekend.

After the musical, they sit down to dinner, where Trina can't stop gushing about the performance. Spencer is happy to see her so happy, and Trina thanks Spencer for the beautiful night, admitting that she's very much in love with him. Spencer gushes over her admission, sharing that he's loved her since the day he met her. After a montage of their relationship, Spencer promises the best is yet to come. They decide to skip dessert and return to their room, where a romantic setup is prepared. They kiss, make their way to the bed, undress, and make love - Trina's first time. In the afterglow, Spencer and Trina cuddle and think how amazing that was. Spencer tells her that he's the happiest when he's with her, and they kiss.

The next morning, they go to the Met and then end up in bed again. They leave the hotel shortly after to go back to Port Charles.

On November 10, 2023, they argue when Spencer is upset about Esme moving out and taking Ace with her - while Trina is happy for the news. Fed up, she reminds him he couldn't attempt to go for custody, because he's Ace's brother, not father, Spencer begs her to not make him choose between them, as she "won't like the answer." Hearing this, Trina responds, "Don't worry, I'll save you the trouble." and walks out.

The next few days leading up to Thanksgiving, Spencer goes overboard in sending bouquets of flowers and notes of apology to Trina. Joss gets through to him by pointing out that dating Trina, then going home to Ace and Esme isn't fair - for anyone. Marshall and Curtis get Trina to realize what her priorities are, and find out if Spencer's are the same. She is surprised to find Spencer falling onto the ground after opening her dormroom door, realizing he spent the night outside her room. He apologizes for giving her an ultimatum. He tells her he realized the decision to be in Esme and Ace's life isn't fair to her - she agrees she can't be a part of that. It finally sank in that he's Ace's brother, not his father, and he wants her to be his first priority. This revelation brings them together, and they kiss and makeup.

They wake up together and make love on Thanksgiving morning and talk about what they're thankful for. They then join her family for dinner.

On December 6th, follow Esme and Ace moving into their own place, Trina rushes to Spencer's side to comfort him. They embrace and Spencer admits this will be better for Ace in the long run, and Trina states she's proud of him.

Spencer joins Trina and her family early on Christmas Eve. Her mother pushes back at him when he tells her he loves Trina. He knows he's made a lot of mistakes and put Trina through a lot. He has a lot to prove and hopes to earn their forgiveness and in time maybe their trust. Inside, Trina tells Spencer she thinks her mom will come around, and she loves him for trying. He surprises her with an early gift, a pair of gorgeous earrings. She loves them, and they kiss. Late that day, Trina is pleased to run into Spencer with Ace at the Children's Ward Christmas at GH. After, Trina and Spencer bring Ace back to Laura's to put him down. Spencer is happy to spend this night with her and Ace, suggesting maybe they'll have more nights like this.

On New Years Eve, Spencer arrives at the dorms to pick up Trina for a party. He finds a letter to her from The Sorbonne. Turns out she applied to this art program abroad and got accepted, but she claims can't go. Classes are about to start and she wants to be there for Curtis' treatment. He argues she can't miss this opportunity, and she has to go. Spencer gushes about Paris, and how close it is to other great European cities. Trina suggests he could come with her, though quickly thinks that would be impossible for him what with Ace, but he says he can easily fly back on weekends to see him. He says, "When the woman you love invites you to Paris, you say yes!" They make love, and Spencer remains adamant, he wants to be in Paris with her. He then says if they hurry, they can make it to the pier for the fireworks. They get cleaned up and dressed, then join the crowd on the docks for fireworks, holding each other tight, very much in love. They don't notice Esme behind them, watching them, holding in her anger and she has her memory and original personality back.

Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (28)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (29)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (30)
Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (31)

On January 24, 2024, friends and family throw Spencer and Trina a "bon voyage" party for their 4 months in Paris. At the party, Spencer informs Josslyn and Trina that he let his father leave with Ace, as he believes Esme has her memory back, so is capable of evil plotting again. He doesn't have proof, which worries the couple. Josslyn insists that she will find the proof herself, that her friends should not worry, just go to Paris and enjoy themselves.

On January 31, they have a magical first night in Paris, enjoying a luxury hotel room, night out of fine dining, and a romantic cruise on the River Seine. This is catastrophically interrupted by Esme showing up, having stalked them and procured a syringe filled with an unknown drug. She threatens their lives, tying them both up separately, and engaging in a physical fight with Trina trying to disarm her of the syringe. Trina manages to knock Esme out with a wrench, and frees Spencer. They leave their stateroom for the deck to look for help - unfortunately Esme awoke and followed them. She stabs and injects Spencer, who fights against the drugs affects to block Esme from doing the same to Trina.

Esme and Spencer physically struggle, then he falls overboard into the icy river, taking Esme with him and Trina shouting after them in despair. Laura, Dante, Curtis, and Portia all arrive later, having taken the ELQ jet overnight. Trina is firm that Spencer is still alive - even though the Parisian authorities tell Dante with the conditions and timeframe, they're conducting a search and recover rather than rescue. Laura consoles Trina, telling her comforting words to never give up hope, and Trina vows their love isn't over while imagines a montage of their relationship.

On March 25, 2024, Trina admits to Stella that she's not ready to move on from Spencer. He could have been the love of her life. Stella assures her she has lots of life left and needs to focus on healing. Trina shares that now that Esme is gone she has nowhere to put her anger and it's not fair. Stella says the anger will pass. There has been no closure and it's a shame they couldn't give Spencer a funeral. Trina doesn't think the memorial was enough and barely remembers it. Stella urges her to create a memorial of her own.

Spencer Cassadine and Trina Robinson (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.